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A flight attendant responds hilariously to a haughty, wealthy woman.

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In recent years, the aviation sector has undoubtedly experienced its fair share of issues. They have to deal with people who are frequently irritated, but they also have to do so while smiling. As you can guess, some of them find it extremely difficult to keep their thoughts to themselves. However, it is typically one of the most amazing things you can think of when they do get the chance to do it. When a male flight attendant encountered a wealthy, aggressive passenger, that is exactly what transpired in this instance. You will laugh aloud at the outcome.

An extremely unique approach was taken by a lesbian flight attendant to An clearly gay flight attendant was serving my flight and was acting very ostentatious. As he brought us food and beverages, he seemed to lift everyone’s spirits.

He came swishing down the aisle as the jet was ready to descent and informed us:

Since Captain Marvey has asked me to make the announcement that he will be landing the large, frightening aircraft soon, it would be greatly appreciated if everyone could simply put their trays up.

He saw a really exotic and well-dressed young woman hadn’t moved on his way back up the aisle.

“I asked you to raise your tray so the main man could pitty-pat us on the ground, but maybe you couldn’t hear me over those huge brute engines.”

“In my country, I am called a Princess and I take orders from no one,” she remarked, turning her head gently.

Without taking a beat, the flight attendant answered:

“Well, sweethearts, I’m a queen in my country, so I’m better than you. Tray