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Artists makes awareness comics about what endangers animals in the hopes of’rewriting extinction’ (9 comics).

So here are those 9 Comics in which Well-known comic artists and celebrities raise awareness about what endangers animals in the hopes of’rewriting extinction'(09 Comics). It took 2,000 hours of video conversations and 22,000 emails for writer and producer Paul Goodenough to create Rewriting Extinction, a collaborative charity effort supported by some of the world’s most famous stars and comic artists. The initiative brings together 15 NGOs and over 300 people from all around the world to work toward a common goal: to reverse species extinction via the power of storytelling.

The 12-month campaign focuses on creating captivating cartoons to raise awareness about the life-threatening challenges that animals face all across the world. Celebrities including Sir Ian McKellen, Sir Patrick Stewart, Taika Waititi, Ricky Gervais, and Cara Delevingne have come together to contribute their talent and support. Some of the most well-known personalities in current comic storytelling appear alongside them, including the famous Jenny Jinya, Elizabeth Pich and Jonathan Kunz of War and Peas, Chow Hon Lam of Buddy Gator, Nicholas Gurewitch of The Perry Bible Fellowship, and more.

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Mama Bear

Bear bile is extracted in appallingly brutal and barbaric conditions, typically by people with no veterinary qualifications and no regard for animal welfare. Some bears experience this maltreatment throughout their lives. This may imply 20 years of torture—unless the bears succumb to infection, cancer, or self-inflicted wounds. Bears in the bear bile industry frequently moan and rock in response to intense anxiety. Many have broken teeth from gnawing on the cage bars.”

Jenny Hefczyc, or Jenny Jinya, has made an emotional cartoon about the Loving Reaper Bored Panda, a topic that has received a lot of attention over the years. Jenny told me that she believes many people had never heard of bear bile farming before.

You can’t blame them; it’s rarely reported on. This was a challenging topic to approach, as are all of the others I draw about. However, reading about these poor bears’ pain and psychological harm is something different, especially given that there are cruelty-free options available today. I hope that our efforts will raise awareness of this issue,” Jenny told Bored Panda in an exclusive interview on how emotional it was to work on the project.

This comic took longer than most others, but it was due to revisions that needed to be done. I’m taking my time, though, and I approach my comics with the same seriousness as I do the subject itself.

Jenny revealed that Rewriting Extinction contacted her last year and introduced her to the extremely ambitious project. “I was really amazed how many celebrities and artists are involved in the project, so many people with the goal to improve something for our environment and (endangered) animals. World Animal Protection is one of the organizations that partnered with Rewriting Extinction and proposed the bear bile subject,” she shared.

I hope my comic does the problem justice, and I am pleased to be a part of Rewriting Extinction. We will also utilize the comic to generate donations for World Animal Protection, which is actively working on this issue. Jenny told me, “I just hope we can educate as many people as possible, another small step toward a better future and a better world.” She urged that anyone who wants to assist fight the bear bile trade should consider sponsoring World Animal Protection or Animals Asia, avoid consuming bear bile-containing goods, and do everything they can to raise awareness about the issue.

Jenny’s painting abilities are undeniably impressive. However, I was wondering about Jenny’s approach to drawing animals with which she is unfamiliar. She claims that she has drawn certain creatures, such as cats, dogs, and birds, so many times in her life that the procedure is simple and quick.

How Much Does That Cost: Makeup

The Global Head of Campaign at World Animal Protection stated that the exploitation of captive bears for their bile is one of the most heinous forms of animal cruelty seen today. “We’re happy to have collaborated with Rewriting Extinction on this heartfelt and artistic effort to raise awareness and support, and to help bring it to an end. For 30 years, World Animal Protection has campaigned to stop bear suffering around the world,” Gilbert stated.

World Animal Protection is getting closer to phasing out bear farms in Vietnam and South Korea, as they collaborate with governments and other key parties. “We have played an important part in taking measures in Vietnam and South Korea, including microchipping and sterilizing existing captive bears, to ensure that they are the last generation to suffer from this inhumane practice. Through our work, China’s foremost government think tank issued unambiguous recommendations in 2016 to end the bear bile industry in China within the next 20 years,” Gilbert outlined how the organization is currently effecting significant change.

This indicates that the end of this horrific industry is inevitable, albeit there is still a long way to go until bears’ pain and suffering is alleviated. We are determined to change the system, rules, and mindset that enable the inhumane husbandry of bears and other wildlife for commercial exploitation.”

I promised.

Meanwhile, Paul, the founder of Rewriting Extinction, was nice enough to answer a few of my questions about the hurdles he faced, what keeps him optimistic about our planet’s future, and what we Pandas can actually do to aid creatures in need.

According to Paul, the tension was enormous, but it was all worthwhile in the end. All for the cause of endangered animals. He also made significant personal sacrifices, ranging from time, energy, and his own peace of mind to resigning his jobs and utilizing his life savings to fund the project.

It’s a Bit of a Mess

We still have a long way to go, but I believe that having a very defined set of programs, each of which clearly outlines the money and actions required to conserve each species, makes it easier for people. They can see the plan, and they trust the charities involved, so they know 100% of their money is going to the correct place, and we don’t take a penny.” Paul underlined that all donations will go to worthwhile causes.

School’s Out

What I really wanted to understand was how Paul maintains such an optimistic attitude, especially given news like the IPCC’s assessment on the climate problem.

Well, I’m pretty optimistic about the future. I believe that in 20 years, we will have created a world that is more harmonious, healthier, cleaner, and better for people and nature. “I really believe that,” Paul told Bored Panda. “I work in industry and government, and I see the tide changing. However, corporations and governments tend to move slowly. We need action right now. That’s why I created Rewriting Extinction. The aim is to fund projects that can assure that in the short term, we conserve and save as many species as we can, while governments and companies generate systemic change, which will come far slower,” he said.

The Talk

Meanwhile, Paul emphasized that whatever we do matters (even if we believe we are too small to have a beneficial impact on the world). He provided his incredibly easy roadmap to the measures we can all take in our daily lives to help rewrite the history of extinctions.

Your voice matters. Governments and companies base their decisions on the will of the people. They’re not pushing green agendas as hard as they should because they don’t believe people care enough to support significant reforms. “Show them what you can do!” he said.

The Great British Lie

Consider adding wildflowers to your yard, reducing mowing frequency, and including pollinating flowers. Improve your energy efficiency by cleaning your oven, reducing waste, and living a more sustainable lifestyle. Avoid storing too many emails online. We have TONNES of suggestions, as well as an IGTV series called LAZY WAYS TO SAVE THE PLANET, all about things you can do.” Paul mentioned some of the things we can do at home to have a greater impact on the environment.


Consider what you want to donate to. For example, we designed Rewriting Extinction to conserve the most vital species rather than the prettiest.” Paul noted that environmental fundraising can frequently be outrageously unbalanced, with certain creatures receiving far more support than they can utilize while others, which are crucial to all life on Earth, receive very little.

Check out our website for examples of which charities focus on what projects and where you want to make a difference,” he advised everyone.


“We rewrite the cultural narratives that drive extinction through storytelling, community building, and action,” English model, actress, and singer Cara Delevingne stated of the project.

Paul had had enough of seeing one species after another become extinct, so he took it upon himself to bring together the environmental, activist, and storytelling communities to address the issue. Once and for all. “This initiative would not be feasible without the love, dedication, and enthusiasm of so many individuals and charity. Everyone involved in this initiative has pushed outside of their comfort zone and collaborated with strangers to make it happen, demonstrating their enthusiasm and devotion,” Rewriting Extinction notes on its website. Seven projects are being financed by Re:wild, The Wildlife Trusts, Born Free, Reserva, World Land Trust, Greenpeace, and Rewilding Europe. Artists makes awareness comics about what endangers animals in the hopes of’rewriting extinction’ (9 comics).