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Everlasting poverty is guaranteed by five plants placed in front of the dwelling.

Decorative Plants

Because of their striking hues, decorative plants are popular to have on display in houses. But according to feng shui, they are among the decorative plants that shouldn’t be kept indoors.

The reason is because this kind of plant needs to be cared for carefully and attentively; else, the flowers may wither soon, which is unlucky. Furthermore, calcium oxalate, a poison, is also present in attractive plants. Inadvertently consuming the plant’s leaves might result in poisoning or burns to the skin if tiny children are present.


Hyacinth is a purple flower with a soft, enigmatic appeal. However, specialists in feng shui claim that hyacinth frequently blooms at night and releases a lucky-attracting aroma. Hyacinth in the home is therefore regarded as a negative omen, leading to strained family bonds, constant arguments between the husband and wife, and children who fail to defend one another.

Additionally, hyacinth has a potent scent that irritates those who suffer from allergic rhinitis. The toxins lycorine and calcium oxalate are also found in hyacinth tubers. Children who inadvertently consume it will get poisoned, possibly comatose, and will perish if prompt medical attention is not provided.

Plant Silkworm

The silkworm plant is a plant that represents loss, funerals, and sadness in feng shui. If it is placed in the house, it will obstruct the beneficial energy and draw malevolent spirits and negative omens, which will bring good fortune.

In particular, if the homeowner places a silkworm tree inside or in front of the house, he is likely to lose money and experience a drop in business. You can plant this kind of tree in the garden or behind the home if you truly like it.

Bonsai trees and cypress trees

Because bonsai trees are so distinctive and visually striking, many people decide to display them in their homes. They are a type of tree with a smaller form that is molded into many various designs. However, cypress trees and bonsai trees are bad and can easily draw evil spirits into the house, so they shouldn’t be placed there according to feng shui.

Furthermore, these two kinds of trees were always thought to be plants that draw evil spirits because they were frequently positioned adjacent to cemeteries and shrines in the past. Having them in the house is equivalent to inviting ill spirits within, which leads to family strife and ongoing misfortune.

The cactus

Among ornamental plants, cacti are the most resilient. They come in a wide range of shapes, sizes, and colors, and they always draw a lot of attention. However, cacti are a plant that should not be cultivated in a home or workplace, particularly on a desk, according to feng shui.

Due to its excessive number of sharp thorns, the tree is always surrounded by evil spirits, which can negatively impact the health and prosperity of the occupants of the house. Furthermore, family harmony may be impacted by this kind of tree.